Osterhorn, Friday, 30.09.2022
The US $ in EURO 0,9790
Today, Friday, also marks the end of the third quarter of 2022. Normally, this is also the start of the active phase of leather production, which is then only briefly interrupted by the holidays in the Christian world and later by the Chinese New Year holidays. The period of summer rest came to an end and the factories and productions then normally run at full capacity and as busy as possible. This year, a great deal of uncertainty is looming and the possibility that the next few months will see many regions of the world producing at a subdued level of activity is becoming a reality almost daily. In Europe, and especially in Germany, no way has yet been found to absorb the explosion in costs. For companies with lower added value and those that already have to pay and calculate the massively increased energy costs, more production means more loss. Almost all governments are currently discussing how this problem can be solved or at least mitigated, both for companies and ultimately also for consumers. However, the clock is ticking and so far no convincing decision has been made that can solve this problem. Where energy has become extremely expensive, inflation is also rising and the dreaded spirals are beginning to turn more and more. Even though it is certainly still possible to change things for the better, overall time is running out. In the hide market we saw one of the typical weeks after the fair in Milan. Everyone has returned, analysed the situation and is working through the information that has been given. The tanners, and these are mainly those who