
Osterhorn, Friday, 23.06.2023
The US $ in EURO 1,0850

What happened this week

Not much has changed this week. Holidays at the end of the week in Asia and at the beginning of the week in the USA led many to take a break at the beginning of summer. There were also no major and really important events that would have required quick decisions. The fact remains that the period from June to September does not see any really big changes because there are no big decisions to be made in either retail or manufacturing. In the northern hemisphere, people are essentially in holiday mood and production is working off existing orders. This year, at least in Europe, the situation is additionally burdened because demand and the general consumer sentiment are simply bad and in addition there are still very large stocks of consumer goods that first have to find customers. At least in Germany, until a few weeks ago you could actually find very few special offers, but that has changed considerably in recent weeks. After many retailers had to file for bankruptcy and the consumer mood has not really improved, many retailers have now decided not to wait any longer and to try their luck with big discounts. Whether this will trigger the big stimulus to empty the warehouses will probably only be known after the holiday season. In the meantime, German car manufacturers have worked through their order books, which were still well filled from previous years for the less pricey models, and are now looking with great concern at the significant drop in new orders. Many of the problems are very German and European, but at the moment it doesn’t look as if export business will be able to compensate. In leather production, all this is reflected with great concern. The quiet summer phase could still be accepted, but there is a lack of hope and

conviction that things will pick up again quickly and strongly after the summer. In addition, there are many other problems, costs, labour, the ever-increasing bureaucracy, official requirements and the question of how the local supply of raw materials will continue in the next few years are paralysing investment decisions and creating a pessimistic environment in Europe. In the other regions of the world the situation is certainly not quite as bad, but an overall positive optimistic environment is not to be found there either at the moment. The recovery in China is sluggish and not developing much momentum. Nevertheless, it is the tanners in Asia who are still providing some stimulation and activity. Even though the situation regarding import licences for German hides in two Chinese ports has still not been conclusively clarified, one assumes that it will be clarified in the short term and is also prepared to continue buying. If one is prepared to make additional deals at the prices of the last few weeks, then there will always be someone who will accept small quantities. In Europe, lime split prices are now also playing an important role and will probably drop significantly in the next quarter. The market for collagen and gelatine simply cannot be served with the prices for splits from the winter half-year. It is not so much the current declines as the inflationary prices of the winter that are now only being corrected. Only for the leather industry, this means a strain on the calculation, as we have seen before also in China.

The kill

The beef business remains a problem. Sales volumes are unsatisfactory and despite the lower prices for live cattle, the market simply cannot find a healthy balance. Exports to Southern Europe and a fairly active business with the restaurants and catering are offset by sharp declines in meat demand in the food retail sector. Production capacity, the price structure for the various cuts and demand have simply not yet found each other again.

What do we expect

Eyes remain on the markets in Asia. In Europe, it is actually clear to everyone what is still needed in terms of raw materials until the holidays from mid-July and who will probably buy or sell them. The quantities are quite manageable. In Asia, the leather factories are aware that prices will not drop significantly any more. So, if you believe in your business, you continuously buy something wisely, or you wait for the also and likewise always recurring opportunities to find the so-called ‚bargains‘ with suppliers who urgently need sales. The fear that one might not be able to buy enough raw materials in the next few months and that one might be forced to pay significantly more does not exist at the moment.

Type Weight range Avg. green weight Salted weight Avg. weight salted Price per kg
green weight
Ox | Heifers 15/24,5 kg 22,0/23,5 kg 13/22 kg 20/21 kg € 1,10 Stable

25/29,5 kg 27,5/28,5 kg 22/27 kg 25/26 kg € 0,70 Weakish
Dairy cows 15/24,5 kg 22,5/23,5 kg 13/22 kg 20/21 kg € 0,55 Weak

25/29,5 kg 27,5/28,5 kg 22/27 kg 25/26 kg € 0,50 Weak

30/+ kg 33,5/35,5 kg 27/+ kg 29/31 kg € 0,50 Weak
Bulls 25/29,5 kg 27,5/28,5 kg 22/27 kg 25/26 kg € 0,95 Weakish

30/39,5 kg 36,0/37,0 kg 24/34 kg 31/33 kg € 1,05 Weakish

40/+ kg 45,0/48,0 kg 34/+ kg 38/40 kg € 1,00 Weakish
Thirds 15/+ kg 25,0/27,5 kg 13/+ kg 24/26 kg € 0,45 Stable
Thirds bulls 30/+ kg 38,0/40,0 kg 24/+ kg 33/36 kg € 0,50 Stable